Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Clair of another color

I'm not sure if the picture shows it very well, but it is snowing, which is the heart of the problem we have been having lately. Bad weather has been delaying us. We had to put off the delivery on Friday, because of the snow. Now we are under a winter storm watch again and supposed to get about 4 inches tonight. And out delivery is to Kansas City where I think they are supposed to get worse weather. I'm afraid we are not very intrepid when it comes to traveling in bad weather. For one thing we moved here from the West coast. The weather there is never very bad. Snow is something that mostly happens up in the mountains and you just stay away from it. Also our old pickup truck is not really very good on bad roads. Delaying is really the last thing we ever want to do, it gets the other deliveries after off schedule too, and we don't get paid until we deliver so to delay delivery is to delay payday, we would rather not do that. All that said, I love to watch it snow. I grew up in the Midwest and I did kind of miss watching the snow fall when I was on the West coast. Ok enough about the snow, on to the bed. This is a Clair style that I was really looking foreword to, ever since we got the order. For a couple reasons. One is is a twin over twin in an L, and we have not done that yet. I was eager to see how he would build the twin size for the bottom.
As usual he surpassed my expectations. Here are the head and the foot board. Aren't they cute?
I should mention that my little girl took the picture above as well as the next two, she was very happy to get to use the camera and I think she is pleased that I am using them. She did a good job.

I especially love this one, it is a good shot of the headboard. Just wait till you see it stained. It looks so cool. Which brings me back to why I was looking foreword to this bed. So far all of the Clair beds we have done have been white, well the one Clairemy that went to Texas was whitewash, but still kind of white. So I was looking fore ward to doing one in a different color. And they happened to pick one of my favorites, Early American.

Check that out. He used oak plugs and they look so cool the way they are darker than the bed. I know that I have said it before but those little plugs are one of my favorite parts of a stained bed.
Freddy caught me in action, and since it really shows how the bead board took the stain I am putting it up. And since I am not looking at the camera or in any way trying to smile it is not a bad picture of me. I have some sort of disability, when ever I try to smile for a picture my face distorts to the most unpleasant version of myself possible.

It really does look great. When he delivers it he will get better pictures, without me in them. We really like this color. In fact we are going to use it in our house. Which brings up another topic, our house. I am going to start adding some pictures of our little house project. I had thought of starting a different blog for it, but knowing myself I just don't think I would keep up with two blogs. Another reason to put them here is that we have family still on the West coast and they actually look at this blog from time to time and they will want to see pictures.
Our time frame is a little bit hurried we have a new deadline so when the weather breaks we will be moving fast. We are doing some things that are environmentally friendly. Not necessarily because we are environmentalist as such but as a family of six with an unusual and sometimes unpredictable income it is just smart to limit expenses as much as we can, and many of the things that are good for the earth are also good for the pocket book. Some of the things we are planning are composting toilets, we plan to have some solar power. So expect some of that to be mixed in with the beds from now on.

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